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How many times have you charged your phone each day?


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How many times have you charged your phone each day? If ever my Note 2 gets under 50% battery life, means it's time for me to go to bed and since it is using a big exended battery from mpj I basically charge my phone every two days. 

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Neither my phone needs a charge




My phone gets charged.


As a landline it never bothers me or the people around me and because it is based on VoIP using Fibre Optics, I have crystal clear sound.  Not that crap that sounds like one is talking in a fish bowl or loses a connection with someone.

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Well now with playing Tsum-Tsum that eats up a battery in a few hours. Fun game but what a battery hog

I actually recently bought 2 new batteries for my phone as well as a dock that can charge the phone and the extra battery by it self. So when phone dies I just swap batteries.

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