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Everyone who purchases the program gets the same download,  Using the license ID and KEY converts it from free/trial to Premium version.  The font that is used in the email which you received is not easy to read.  If the letters/numbers were bigger or used a different font, there would be very few problems.  Check the following font comparisons for the characters that are known to cause problems.


The "bad" font:

0     O

1     I

2     Z

5     S


A more readable font:

0     O

1     I

2     Z

5     S


Hope this helps!  Make sure not to grab any leading or trailing spaces.  They cause problems too.

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Hello and :welcome: :


EDIT: OOPS!  Sorry, @gonzo -- I didn't notice that you were posting too. :( 


I understand that you are having trouble activating your MBAM 2 to the licensed, Premium version.


I purchased the program but was only given a 14 day trial instead.

The14-day trial (which is fully functional), is enabled by default during the installation, unless the user opts-out.


The key given at purchase will not work. Stuck and unable to get it going at full strength. I've deleted and reloaded but still no luck..any ideas?

You can "Activate" the program at any time, by clicking the "Activate" link in the dashboard, and entering both the license ID and the key, & then clicking "Activate". See here: How do I activate Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?

If you are getting an error message when you do that, see here for the most common explanation and solution: It says 'Invalid license information' when I try to activate the software.


Let us know if that resolves your issue.




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Figured out why the key wouldn't work...Because the idiot of me had not realized that I had downloaded "Anti-exploit"  and Anti-Malware and was trying to use the key for Anti-exploit on Anti-malware..Totally, my bad.. thanks much for quick response, though.

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Glad that you sorted that out.   :D


I am assuming you are a newbie to both products.   This particular sub-forum is for the Anti-Malware.

The Anti-Exploit support is here = >  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/forum/126-anti-exploit-product-support/


The Support portal for Anti-Exploit ( MBAE )  Knowledge Base articles is here = > https://helpdesk.malwarebytes.org/hc/en-us/categories/200136858



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