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Photos from Alaska trip. Warning large images - may crash browser


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  • Root Admin

Don't have a lot of time for general posting but here are some images of my Cruise trip to Alaska back in May on the Grand Princess for a week.



This image was self stitched in the camera (Sony RX100) I started from the front of the ship and slowly turned to the back.
You can click on the image or select view image to get a larger size. If you zoom in close you can see where with the movement of ship and myself that the stitching is not perfect but pretty darn good. All of the images should let you zoom in for more detail if wanted.




This image was taken at about 10:45PM - Sunset of sorts close to midnight.









This is a Sea Lion colony - you'll need to zoom in to actually see them but there are a lot of them sunning on the rocks.




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  • Root Admin

Crazy... that shot was from about 100 yards away using my little Sony point and shoot camera. There was a guy on the whale watching boat that had a full size DSLR and a 500mm lens and he didn't even try to take a picture of it. All he seemed intent on shooting were the whales but there was only glimpses of their tales. Plenty of other things to shoot especially with that lens. This Eagle would have been so much nicer with his setup. Oh well - his loss.

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