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Malwarebytes has encountered a problem & needs to close


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.....we are sorry for the inconvenience.

I am getting this message every time I run a manual update, usually as soon as I open my computer, once during the day & before logging off at night.

I am running WIN XP PRO SP 3.0 32 bit on a desktop + tower.

Using Avast alongside Mbam for protection, and Crypto Prevent, free versions. Still in the trial full version of Avast, but it runs out tomorrow....cannot afford to buy full version. I am a bit of a novice aged pensioner, help!

I do manual updates and scans on these daily, which saves me time as the computer is old & slows down considerably whilst scanning, which  is why I prefer to do these things manually.

When I investigaste the error, the document shows as this path:-




I am presented with the option to debug, which I do. This is still going on despite deleting & uploading the mbam programme again....

What should I do now?

In this case I don't know how to do a screen shot, so cannot show the rest of the info, but it does say that this info is going back to mbam. How many times does it have to present to mbam before a solution  & fix happens? I would hazard a guess that I am not the only person this is happening to....

Anyome got a fix for this. please?



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