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How do I downgrade

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The new Malwarebytes is one of the most horrible "upgrades" I have ever seen. I seriously thought it was spyware itself, and then I realized you had just lost all your senses and thought this looked good. I am guessing this is the beginning of the end of what was the best cleaner out there.


Anyways, is it possible to revert to the old version and maintain the virus definitions? It seems you guys thought we needed to bundle the two (UI and virus definitions) which is even a further dissatisfier. If I could use the old version with updated definitions, I could pretend that you were destroying this program. 

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Hello and :welcome: , lateralex:


>>Disclaimer: I am just a home user and forum volunteer. I do not work for Malwarebytes.


We are disappointed to learn that you are not satisfied with version 2.

We would be more than happy to work with you to resolve any specific issues or problems you might be experiencing.


Otherwise, you can download Malwarebytes version 1.75 from =>Malwarebytes Box HERE<= and click on the BLUE box titled Download (9.8 MB)
And you will need to configure it to turn off checking for program updates; otherwise, you will be notified of the version 2 availability for download and install.


NOTE: The reasons to use the newer version include: it has built-in rootkit scanning (1.75 does not); it has a new text parsing engine to address special threats targeted by using configuration files (1.75 does not); and it has built-in Self Protection (1.75 does not). It can also detect and remove some threats that 1.75 cannot because it offers native 64-bit support for 64-bit systems (1.75 does not).
Support for 1.75 will end in several months.


Thanks for your feedback,

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I appreciate the link. It seems I have to chose to between the lesser of two evils, a shame really. I found out my wife wasn't using Malwarebytes on their work computers anymore because the new design made her think something was wrong. So... if that was the design intent, then great job guys.

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I appreciate the link. It seems I have to chose to between the lesser of two evils, a shame really.

Well, there was a lot of vigorous comment about the GUI during the very long BETA testing period.
Quite a few people like it.
Having said that, with a Premium installation and scheduled update checks and scans, one doesn't spend very much time looking at the GUI.
What matters most is what's "under the hood", not the dashboard color scheme. <just saying>

I found out my wife wasn't using Malwarebytes on their work computers anymore because the new design made her think something was wrong.

Well, that's odd.
AFAIK, version 2 for business/corporate/enterprise hasn't been released yet.
AFAIK that version of the software is still on 1.75, with the old GUI (staff will correct me if I am wrong).
In any event, use of any version of MBAM in a business environment requires business licensing.
The consumer version is for use only on home computers for personal use.
Anyway, again, the staff, experts and forum helpers will be more than happy to assist you with specific issues. :)
Or, you may wish to open a ticket at the help desk for free, one-on-one support >>here<<.
Thank you,

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