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[SOLVED] My Premium ID and License Do Not Work Anymore :-(


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HI :-)


MBAE Premium says my key and ID are not correct. I purchased it on the day of release and received my license through Cleverbridge. It worked fine. I had to reinstall windows. I installed MBAE an hour ago and it the key and ID were accepted but i had to reinstall it again and now MBAE says my license or ID is not correct,  I again uninstalled and reinstalled with the same result !!!!

My having to uninstall and reinstall had nothing to do with the functioning of MBAE.

Expecting a a fast fix.


This may be a Cleverbridge and not a Malwarebytes problem.


I just tried to reinstall  Raxco Product who also uses Cleverbridge to process it's online sales.


I had the same problem with the Raxco Product. The License that I received through Cleverbridge that used to work perfectly on the Raxco product (purchased 3 weeks ago) is now no longer accepted by the Raxco Product as being correct.


Is Cleverbridge too clever or not clever at all ?


In any event I would like the working Premiujm license I paid for ASAP.


You can;t complain to Cleverbridge. They refer you to Malwarebytes for all issues and problems. Turkeys !


I just tried to install a Raxco product. Raxco also uses Cleverbridge. The license key provided by Cleverbridge for that Raxco product no longer works either.
I don't know wtf.
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