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Hacked Windows 7 computer requesting a password


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Desktop Compaq Presario CQ5300F, Windows 7


A client fell for the phone call, with the strong Indian accent, supposedly from Microsoft, and released control of her computer to the hackers.

She does not have the recovery disks.


When Windows starts, an old-fashion window - looks like XP, if not 98 or 95 - pops up asking for a password.


Using Ubuntu, I was able to back up the important files,

The recovery partition is present, I do not know in what shape.

The client is willing to reset the computer to factory settings.

When I press F11 after powering the computer, instead of bringing the Recovery Manager, I am asked for the disks which I do not have.

Going to the "Rebooting to last known configuration" goes back to the same as hitting F11.

The BIOS looks fine and password is not set up.


Any suggestions to

1) access the Recovery Manager

2) Using Ubuntu, find the routine/code that is asking for the password and disable it

3) Or????


Note: I will be looking into "How to install Windows 7 without the Disc," however faster/easier solutions would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your help,




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