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Hi all,


This is my first post in these forums.  I'm looking forward to reading and learning more about malware removal techniques.


First I have a question about downloading torrents.  Aside from the potential legal aspects, what is your view of downloading torrents?

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Hello and :welcome:


This is a Malwarebytes Forum to discuss Malwarebytes and its products. This particular section is for seeking help if your having issues with Malwarebytes.  This is not a place to discuss Torrents or its uses.  That being said, there is a high risk of getting infected when one downloads torrents...

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  • Root Admin

The issue is not where to post it more so as it is really not something most of us recommend. There are certainly many legal uses of Torrents but for those being honest probably well over 90% of all torrent traffic is for illegal data sharing which we do not condone. If used for legal purposes then absolutely it is an excellent technology used to share the load with many other systems thus reducing the load for any one single system.

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@Firefox: "This particular section is for seeking help if your having issues with Malwarebytes", so I guess that means there's something wrong with my reading skills? Correct me if I'm wrong but, I thought this particular section was called "General PC Help", "for Windows, Hardware, Networking, and Software questions"? Good thing I live in the Netherlands, where downloading torrents isn't illegal, and certainly not as frowned upon as it clearly is in the US of A..  <_< 

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I believe the reason it appears to be a post associated with the wrong sub-forum, is because the subject was MOVED to General PC Help.


It is not that we are against Torrents.  Its a fact that there is much misleading software that is what we call a "trojan horse". 


That installer that purports to install a package may be repackaged to include the execution of malware.  Because it is P2P and a source of unvetted wares it is contraindicated.

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  • Root Admin

It's not illegal to download torrents here in the US except in the case of copyrighted material - just like in the Netherlands. It is not legal to steal software in the Netherlands either. You can use it all day here and in your Country both as long as you're not stealing copyrighted material with it.

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"It is not legal to steal software in the Netherlands either".. Well, I didn't think it was, and despite the countless options to do so, I never went down that road (the software I use is either freeware, or purchased legally). However.. I don't have any problem, whatsoever, downloading material that's been aired before, like eg TV-series, films and/or movies; I don't burn copies for '3rd parties' whether it's for free or to gain some sort of monetary benefit (like some people I know!), it's all for private use only. Having said that, I do realize that the mentioned material is also copyrighted, but since I don't care much for making Hollywood (or 'libraries' like Canal+) even richer as they already are, especially after I already left money at the boxoffice 9 out of 10 times (some of those with repeat performance, which is usually for the 'good stuff' one wants to watch on big screen): bad girl? So be it, I won't loose any sleep if I am. Just downloaded the complete seasons of Boston Legal and Deadwood, and I'm such a happy camper.. :P 

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  • Root Admin

Well we're not here to police anyone's use of their computer. The issue for us is that while being assisted for malware removal one needs to "either" fully disable Peer2Peer software or Uninstall it while being assisted here as typically this type of software can be a resource hog and cause file changes and possibly infect the computer while in the middle of cleaning which simply wastes our time. Once the clean up is done you're more than welcome to re-enable your Peer2Peer software if you choose to do so.


As the question has been answered for the user I'll go ahead then and close this topic now.


Thank you


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