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Malwarebytes doesn't appear in right-click menu

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I used to be able to right-click on programs, downloads, etc & there would be "scan with Malwarebytes" in the dropdown menu.  I tried to do this for a new program yestersay, but this option isn't there.

Was this feature eliminated with the recent update or did I miss checking something when I installed it?

I rebooted my PC, just in case it was a fluke, but Malwarebytes is still missing in my right-click menu.

If it should be there should I uninstall & reinstall it again, or has this feature been eliminated?

Please advise.


DogPal  ;0

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Hi daledoc!

I already have that checked because I like that feature.  I even rebooted my PC because I thought maybe it was somehow disabled, but it still doesn't show up in the right-click menu.

Should I uninstall & reinstall it again or am I stuck with it this way?

Thanks again

DogPal  :)

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I'm just curious: does the setting in the GUI show it to be enabled ("yes"), but the entry in the context menu is not?

Or are you unable to change the setting to "yes"?

<just curious>
Regardless of the answer, yes, the first step is a clean reinstall, as that usually resolves minor issues. :)

Please be sure you are logged into Windows in an Admin-level account, and then follow the steps in the tutorial below:

Please let us know how it goes.


Thank You,

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The "Yes" radio button was already checked when I looked, but my right-click dropdown menu does NOT have "Scan with Malwarebytes"

So, you recommend an uninstall, reboot, then reinstall to get this feature back?


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Thanks for the update.


Yes, the first step is a clean reinstall, as that usually resolves minor issues. :)

In order to be sure to get a clean reinstall, please be sure you are logged into Windows in an Admin-level account, and then please follow the steps in the tutorial below:

  • Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs


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