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I am lost...I just tried to update the Malware programme, for the latest release, but I keep getting the message that, once downloaded, the computer cannot connect to the server due to corrupt file.




Okay, so, I suspect my pooter is lousy with bugs and whatnot, I am running Microsoft Windows VISTA 1, Windows Defender won't load, the computer runs really slowly, so, how the hell do I debug the computer when it is obviously so infected already, that my security measures have been taken over? 


I do not have the original drive discs, because the shop sold me this Toshiba lap top brand new (2009?) and you only get the Student home version disc for Windows, you  don't get the whole operating system discs you used to get, damn Gates' eyes!


I am not very pooter savvy, so, I need hlep, is there anyone willing to take some time to explain, step by step what i can do to debug my pooter (computer)?


Cheers from Down Under,

your hapless schmuck of a pooter dummy,


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Hi, @jayman9:
Just to add a bit to what @David H Lipman suggested, if I might.... :)
You mention that you think your computer is infected.
As such, I would suggest getting help, not in the regular MBAM support area, but rather in the special section of the forum dedicated to working on possibly infected computers.

I suggest that you please:

  1. Follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
  2. Then, please EITHER start a new, separate topic in the malware removal section >>HERE<<, OR open a ticket for one-on-one help via email at the help desk >>HERE<<.

A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.

Please be patient waiting for expert assistance -- both the forum and the help desk are quite busy. It may be 48 hours before someone is available.

Someone will assist you as soon as possible.


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