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Hi , New here , Installed Malwarebytes Pro on 10th June , sometimes it auto starts , but not of late , I've Noticed in Msconfig/Startup Malwarebytes Don't Show at all , is there any way i can add it there . I'm sure my old Free Version showed in msconfig , so i'm thinking that's why it don't load some days as it's not showing in Misconfig/Startup . any help Appreciated , Love the Program though ok . Regards Philip.

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FYI The latest version of the MBAM consumer program is, and the paid version is called "Premium", not Pro (that was for version 1.75). :)
So, it's not clear what version you may have recently installed.
The Free version, whether  1.75 or 2.0, is just a manual, on-demand scanner and does not provide real-time protection, so it would not auto-start or load with Windows.


Let's start with some routine troubleshooting, by following the instructions in these pinned topics:

Thank You,

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Hi daledoc1 , Your right , it's the Premium Version i have Installed , sorry for that . Do you know if it Usually Shows in msconfig/startup as it's Not Showing in mine , or is there a way to get it to show in startup ,  i'll reinstall later if absolutley needed ok .Cheers. Philip..

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Do you know if it Usually Shows in msconfig/startup


Just curious: Why do you ask?

Re: msconfig, you might want to have a look at this recent post by our forum Root Admin: Msconfig Is Not A Startup Manager


If you're experiencing abnormal behavior from MBAM, then I suggest that you please follow the steps suggested in my previous reply.

That will be the most efficient way to assist you with sorting any issues and with getting back up and running.



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Do you know if it Usually Shows in msconfig/startup as it's Not Showing in mine , or is there a way to get it to show in startup

FYI, The new version no longer relies on the Registry's 'Run' keys to start a component, but instead it now uses services, which is why you won't find it in Msconfig/Startup, even if correctly installed.
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