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protect other user from work pc

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A laptop used and connect to the work place network and come back home to use the home network.

I heard that work place is a very dangerous place.

How do the rest of the home network user protect themselve from the work PC.

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The Work Place is a danger in a physical sense as noted by the expression "Go Postal".  In a work environment (company, corporate or enterprise) tend to have more stringent rules, regulations, policies, software and Group Policies that are way more stringent than one does Computer Security (COMSEC) at home.


When it comes to computers, the opposite is true.  A computer at home is MORE dangerous to the work network and environment.

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If the security is not as strict what should we do? As I know of work place where the company security is not as tight, what form of protection can we do?

In this sense does that mean that it is no difference from being on public network? Will basic security (free) offer enough protection to other user?

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