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MBAE conflicts and issues.


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Hi all  :) ,


There are many known issues and conflicts with MBAE...too many IMHO!

At this stage of its development, is it wise to install it?

Will the next version solve these bugs in the near future?

Thanks for your replies.


Best regards,


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Well there's another way of looking at it, and that is that MBAE has been so thoroughly tested that we know exactly what most if not all of its issues are. There is plenty other software out there with many more bugs that are not even documented or known about. Of course that's not an excuse, but we do promote bug transparency and, as you can see from the frequent MBAE releases, proactive fixing of bugs.

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Well there's another way of looking at it, and that is that MBAE has been so thoroughly tested that we know exactly what most if not all of its issues are. There is plenty other software out there with many more bugs that are not even documented or known about. Of course that's not an excuse, but we do promote bug transparency and, as you can see from the frequent MBAE releases, proactive fixing of bugs.

Thanks Pbust for your reply. You are quite right, i must admit. Congratulations to the trustworthy development team then.

My stupid comment was as if i only looked at the glass as half-empty when YOU will look at it as half-full! LOL Sorry!




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@Herve --- Thanks for the uplifting, inspirational behavior evidenced in your reaction to pbust's well versed, informative response. I'm just some user passing by.


“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”



Adding to @Shrugged, thanks Herve for your response! :)

Thanks to both of you! :blush:

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