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Question about MBAM trial

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Good day,


I have a question in regards to my trial period running out within 20 hours....


1)what do i do when the trial period runs out?  2)Do i uninstall the program or keep it in my computer?  Is there a free version available before i buy the premium version when my trial period runs out?  If so how or what do i need to do?  How do i set up a pay pal account to purchase the premium version?  Are there any stores in Canada that sell your product?  (specificly Windsor, Ontario, Canada)  If no stores sell your product... and after i set up a pay pal account with the info you provide...Do i uninstall the program that is already on my computer?  Will it automaticly change what needs to be changed to run the premium version without any problems? 


I ask this question due to the fact, at one time i bought a anti norton anti virus program and when the year was up and having to renew... they messed up providing me another year of security.  Instead of buying another cd to install the program, i purchased it with my credit card.  They never got the program to run properly through what ever automated system they use when renewing the program.  I was so pisssed and i still have not been refunded my money (over 2 years now) i gave up trying to get reimbursed due to the countless hours i was on the phone sharing the same thing over and over and over for months.

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Can someone please answer the questions i posted earlier.  I need input regarding what i need to do when my trial expires so i can remain protected.  Regarding the question about stores in Canada selling your product...(Walmart is sold out of your product).  I still need to know though what to do in the meantime regardng the trial version that will expire in less than 20 hours.  So please someone provide me answers to the questions i posted prior to this one.  Thank You.

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When the free trial of MBAM Premium expires, the program will revert to a manual, on-demand scanner, the Free version.
All of the Premium features will be disabled (real-time protection, scheduled tasks, etc).
If you want to keep the Premium version, you will need to purchase a license.
You can do so directly from the Malwarebytes online store: https://store.malwarebytes.org/342/purl-consumer?x-source=website
Or you purchase from other, REPUTABLE online vendors, such as Newegg and Amazon (NOT the marketplace!).
I would be wary of shady sites, offers that seem "too good to be true" and other suspicious offerings.
Once you purchase the license, you will be provided with a license ID/key.
You will use those to "activate" your current version, to convert it from the "Trial" to "Premium".

You will not need to uninstall it to activate the Premium version.
There are many helpful, relevant articles about all of this here: What does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 mean for me? and here: How do I activate Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page
Hope this helps,

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