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Malwarebytes sometimes just closes after full scan

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I have a concern with Malwarebytes.

I regularly perform full scans.


Sometimes, when the scanning is complete, I press the little "ok" on the popup notification (that the scan is done) and the popup closes, but the Malwarebytes program is still open.


However, sometimes when I press the "ok" it immediately closes the program, even when I have any "objects detected."


Usually, when the program doesn't close, I press show results and delete the malicious files. But I can't do that when the program immediately closes after I press the "ok". I have no clue why sometimes it'll automatically close and sometimes it stays open.


2 Questions:

Is there anyway to stop this? (or am I doing anything wrong?)

Regardless of the first answer, if it automatically closes and objects were detected, is there anyway i can find those and delete them through the program?


If it closes and I had objects detected, I would just restart the scan which would take another two hours.



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