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Database out of date popups wont go away

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Hi guys, I recently upgraded to the newest version of MBAM ( and now get a popup in the bottom right corner telling me the database is out of date. I press the "update now" button and the popup disappears for 1 second and then re-appears. There's also an X in the corner (presumably close?) but pressing it has the same effect, disappears for 1 second then comes back.


No matter what I do I can't get rid of this popup!


I also tried opening the main console of MBAM and pressing the "Fix Now" button which also seems to do nothing.


Am I missing something or is this a bug?

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Hello and :welcome: ,

A couple of easy things to check:

First, please be sure your system date/time are correct.

Please check that your AV and firewall both give MBAM full permissions. It's possible that your AV or firewall might be treating the new build as a new program and may be blocking it -- the files that need to be excluded can be found HERE. Please post back if you need help with that.
Also, please check to be sure there are no "Detected Threats" that need to be dealt with first, as this can prevent the program from updating: Click the "Scan" button at the top of the dashboard and verify that there are no detected threats (especially PUPs or PUMs) awaiting your action.

If those suggestions don't resolve your issue:


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