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Anti-Malware Premium - Dbase Unable to Access error


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Please see attached screen shot.  


1. Unable to update or access server

2. Realtime Scanner disabled ; unable to fix ...


Additionally, History is missing (assuming it was part of server)


Last scan found Syswow64 - was hoping to fix today with Malware.org help ..



Should i try uninstalling and reinstalling ?





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It sounds from your post as if you think you might be infected?
If so, we cannot work on malware-related issues here in this section.
So, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.
If you do NOT think you are infected, then please read the following and post back the requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

If that's the case, the mod team will likely move this post to the MBAM support section here.




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You're very welcome. :)


Once you start your new topic in the malware removal section (with the requested logs, as explained in that pinned topic mentioned above), please be patient.

The forum is quite busy, and most of the expert helpers are volunteers.

Someone will assist you as soon as possible -- please do not "bump" or reply back to the topic for at least 48 hours.

Doing so will likely only lead to further delay getting help, as it will appear from the reply count that you are already being helped.


Take care,

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