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Win 7 error logs from Mbamchameleon

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I find  (this was going on in the 1.75 version as well) that thousands of WIN EVT  events are logged on a daily basis.

The Win 7 error code is   61703


"Mbamchameleon failed to obtain file information - C0000xx  where xx consists of different codes.


What's going on her fellas?



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Here you go: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=145618#entry813011



See my post in the Beta area, as well as in MBAR forum, which uses the same type of mbamchameleon driver

This is normal and expected in some cases. Chameleon (mbamchameleon driver) is checking digital signatures/certificates of processes in memory. When it is unable to verify, it is logged as an Information event. It's not an issue of concern in this case.

As to why mbamchameleon is running, Firefox has the right idea. If you're using MBAM 2.0 and self-protection is enabled, that is the mbamchameleon driver.

Having said that,
if you are concerned that there is something going on with the system -- especially malware -- please read the following and post back the requested logs - Diagnostic Logs


The staff/experts will review the logs and advise you further.




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