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Malwarebytes pops up and tablet driver error dialog on shut-down

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Ever since I upgraded to 2.0 on my wife's computer Malwarebytes opens up on system shutdown. I also get a Windows error dialog message saying that the "tablet driver is missing". She uses a Wacom tablet regularly and there has been no issues with that device working.


She's on a Windows 7 machine. Should I uninstall Malwarebyte and resintall or is something else the issue?

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Hello and :welcome:

If it is a black dialog box that pops up when shutting down, that is a known issue with the current version. They are working on fixing that bug probably in the next release. In the meantime if you would like a clean install follow the instructions below...

Please restart your computer and them run the following clean removal procedure and let us know if that corrects the issue or not.

MBAM Clean Removal Process

NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here:

Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry that it's been a while. I figured I'd update...I followed the instructions and uninstalled Malwarebytes which corrected the problem. It's been a couple of days and no issues. I've not yet reinstalled Malwarebyes as things have been a bit crazy to do so and I hope to install in the next day or so. I'll update once I do and hopefully won't run into any issues again.


Thanks for you help, by the way.

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