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Going back to 1.75

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p.s. If you go back to v1.75, make sure Settings/Updater Settings: "Download and install program update if available" is unchecked, otherwise you'll be right back where you started with 2.0.

Well you really should let them continue to work with you to see what's going on. If you simply stick with 1.75 and think you're okay then come next year when we no longer support 1.75 you'll really be stuck as you won't have another version to fall back on.

If you'd like to take the time to let us help you then let me know and we'll be more than happy to take a look and see what's going on.

Please read the following topic Diagnostic Logs and post back the logs when ready and we'll see if we can determine what's going on.


NOTE: You can download Malwarebytes version 1.75 from =>Filehippo HERE<= and click on the GREEN box titled Download This Version (9.81MB)

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