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Star Wars Connection problems


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I had been getting help from one of your other Technicians who advised me to create a new thread about my internet connection. The things I have been seeing, or not seeing are rather strange. During the few days he helped me I lost connection three times , it is Wifi and he had me reset IE as the last step before saying good bye to me. I did the reset , it did take and then I lost it. I was not disconnected from Wifi that time an yet there was no web page. I went to Waterfox and could not pull up any web page except Face Book That came through fine, or looked like it did. I closed the web and began a Malwarebytes scan , I paused it just to see if IE was back and it was. I will continue with that full Malwarebytes scan. I might add I am now using the guest account that I just created a week or two ago, prior I had been using the only account we had set up that had control .

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