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Unable to connect to property server - after scan and removal

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Updated malware bytes, non-beta, this morning and let it run a scan on my kids windows 8 laptop. After removing all recommended items, I get an error when trying to connect to anything online: Unable to connect to property server. WIndows 8 and malware byte versions are up to date as of this morning. All I can find even close to this issue are related to windows home server and not windows 8. Could it be possible that malware bytes deleted something the prevents all internet connetions?


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  • Root Admin

Can you please click on HISTORY and from there find the scan log you ran and click on it - then click on the copy to clipboard button and then paste that back on your next reply so that we can see what it found and removed.


Also if you can read the following and post back those logs as well that will help us to see what else might be going on with the computer.


Diagnostic Logs


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