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I suggest offering a per use price for this product eg buy 20 uses for $60.


Your current pricing of about $400 with unlimited use - will only sell to the larger tech business. You are limiting your market.


Your slogan of about a $1 a day is way off beam. How many tech business's work 365 days a year ?


I have long wanted a scanning product that when I put a customer's hard disc in my PC - it will scan the registry as well as the usual file scan.

But I estimate I only want to do this once a week.

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  • Root Admin

Thank you for your input on the product pricing. 


With regards to scanning a slaved hard drive that is not what our product is designed to do.  We excel at scanning in the live normal mode operation to locate and remove threats.  If you're wanting to do flat file scanning then your antivirus is going to be much better at that as it has definitions for a decade of infections.  We only scan for known in the wild current infections.

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