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There is a problem with your licence!

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I have received the following message: "There is a problem with your licence so notifications will no longer appear, including those about your licence or activation"

An error code (0xC004D401) with description of "The Security Processor reported a system file mismatch error"

This is followed by a 'click here' to try to sort things out. However, when I do click , a window appears with a message saying that the source cannot be identied so I made no attempt to run it. Went to turn off my


computer but couldn't because mbam was running. Then switched off by mistake and when I switch on aggain, mbam had quarantied 2 PUPS which I deleted.


Is there any connection between the message recieved and mbam isolating the PUPS?

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About your first problem (the windows error message): The following link might help.



Whether or not the two messages are related, I cannot tell. I do not see how they would be related, but that call may very well be above my level of expertise.


I do advise to run another threat scan with MBAM, MBAM appeared to be busy when you shutdown your computer (or so your post seems to indicate), so maybe it hadn't finished cleaning up the PUP's yet.


I'm sorry I can not give the answer to your ultimate question about whether or not the PUP's and the windows error are related, but I hope this helps nevertheless.

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