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I installed v2.0.1 yesterday. I don't think is is automatically updating. There is an update task in the scheduler. I have malware protection and website protection disabled. I also have "Start with Windows" unchecked.

I can update manually. I also noticed that when I run MBAM, the icon shows up in the systray; but when I close the program, the icon remains. I have to right-clicked on the icon and choose exit. In v1.75, the icon disappears when you close the program. Why the change in v2x? I set an access policy to protect settings. I am running my pc as a standard user.

I have a lifetime license that I moved to version 2. I used the mbam-clean program to remove previous version before installing latest.

Running Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit as a Standard user account.

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Hello Probamuser.


Download mbam-check.exe and save it to your desktop    from  http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbam_check
On Vista/Windows 7, 8, Right-click on mbam-check.exe & select Run as Administrator & allow to Run.
On XP,Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it.
It should then open a log file CheckResults.txt
You should attach the CheckResults.txt file located on your desktop so that I can review.


As you know, to update automatically, the program must be enabled to auto start with Windows.   Advise me why you have selected to not have it auto-start.

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I fixed the problem...The option to Start with Windows and the MBAM icon MUST be in the SysTray for the automatic updates to work, even if the malware and website protection are disabled. I thought that Start with Windows was related to protection only.

In v1.75, it was not necessary to have the icon in systray. You may want to consider putting that back in v2 or parhaps have an option not to be informed (the red "!") about protection disabled for those who choose not to have the protection on. I have disabled the malware and website protection off because it slows down my system, but want the program to update automatically. I will use MBAM as an on demand scanner, this is the way I used v1.75.

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  • 1 month later...

I have Malicious Website Protection disabled as well, for the same reason. It sometimes slows my system to a stand-still. I too would prefer to keep it disabled but still lose the red exclamation warning.


I actually came into the forum here to see if anyone else has experienced the problem since I first upgraded. I was surprised not to find more mention of the slow-down issue. Anyway, I thought I may as well mention that I've experienced it too.


Also, FWIW, I rather miss the old Malwarebytes user interface. I found it so much more straightforward and predictable. Now I often feel uncertain of anything. 

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Contontos Hello and Welcome...


As everyone's computer is different its always better to start your own topic.... That being said, try the steps below to help with the slowness.  Also they are working on a future program update what will have more features as far as controlling notifications and such... so go ahead and follow the steps below and post your logs in a new topic...

Thank You
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