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Malwarebytes and MBAR Both Installed

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I have Malwarebytes v. installed on my pc's AND MBAR v.Beta (Stand alone).  Do I really need MBAR since Malwarebytes now has Rootkit included?  It hasn't been any problem, but there seems no reason to go thru the extra effort running MBAR if it's no longer needed.  Appreciate any information regarding this.  Thanks.

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Hi, JohnBurns:
Until the staff arrive to weigh in, this recent post by the MBAM Product Manager and forum Admin, exile360, might help:

Currently the antirootkit technology in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 is identical to that of Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit. We have them separate in case we need to quickly adapt to new rootkits with engine changes that cannot be accomplished with definition updates since releasing new versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit are much faster. When this does happen, any changes that occur in Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit's new versions will be integrated into Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware release that follows.


So, it's up to you. :)



HTH, for starters,



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Hello Johnburns,


Given than version 2.0 has the built in one, you do not need the standalone one.  I'd go further and suggest that you delete the free-standing one  ( just to remove any chance of unintended use in the future).   The version 2 auto-updates itself when an update run happens, as noted & quoted earlier.



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