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I really liked the notifications from the 1.75 version (Windows 8).

There is any way to enable them and disable the new notifications? (they kinda suck, no offense)

If it's not possible, maybe add an option for this in the next update?


Also, a better program updater should be created. Download a file and installing it manually looks pretty bad as well... Make some kind of self-updater (not something fancy, a simple window with a progressbar will do just fine).


Thank you.

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You are not alone in those sentiments. :)


They are working on tweaking these - there are some minor improvements with 2.0.1 and there will be others with a new build in a few weeks.

It will permit the user more "granular" control.


EDIT: Auto-updating is already a feature - has been for as long as I can remember. In 1.75 automatic PROGRAM updates can be disabled for users who want full control of that feature. In 2.0, it is fully automatic if automatic database updates are scheduled.  However, the ability to control program updates will be restored at a later time.


Stay tuned for more official status updates from the staff,



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