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Assuming a reboot doesn't resolve it, do you have Self-Protection enabled, by any chance?


If so, perhaps try the following:

Disable SP


Retry enabling/changing settings


Please post back & let us know -- if it doesn't resolve it, we might need to ask you to try a clean reinstall and/or to post back with some logs for the staff.





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I have just purchased Malwarebytes Pro.

I did a clean uninstall of the free version and then installed the latest version.

Realtime Protection is not enabled.  If I hit "Fix Now", the protection is enabled for 1 second and then reverts back to Malacious Website Protection disabled.

Any suggestions?

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Hello and :welcome: , ddeith:


I have just purchased Malwarebytes Pro.

I did a clean uninstall of the free version and then installed the latest version.

Realtime Protection is not enabled.  If I hit "Fix Now", the protection is enabled for 1 second and then reverts back to Malacious Website Protection disabled.

Any suggestions?


Yep -- first: did you reboot the computer after you installed the current version?


If that doesn't fix it, when you say you did a clean uninstall->upgrade, did you follow the steps in THIS TUTORIAL?

Specifically, did you use the mbam-clean tool and then reboot before upgrading?

If not, then that would be the next step.

NOTE: If you have MBAM 2.xx Self-Protection (SP) enabled, please disable it before running mbam-clean.


If neither of those work, please let us know.






P.S. Although the problem sounds the same as that of the other users in this thread, each computer is unique.  So, if this isn't easily resolved with the steps above (or even if it is), the mod team might split off your post to a separate thread. That way, each user can receive full attention with less confusion.

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