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By any chance do you have Self Protection Enabled in Malwarebytes, if so disable that and try the update again....

Or you can try a clean reinstall as mentioned HERE Method 1

i have the same issue, just got it with todays update. Self Protection was enabled, I disabled it and that didnt fix it. Did a clean install which didnt fix it either. MAM is runing in administrator mode. The message just says I cant update because im not the administrator which in fact i am.

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Hello !


I've purchased MalwareBytes Pro yesterday and today the update notification popped up.


I tried to run the update but same issue : I must open Malwarebytes as Administrator to install... Even if I'm already logged in as Administrator.


And it doesn't work. I also tried to disable "Self Protection" without success.


I tried to remove and reinstall Malwarebytes but the problem still occurs.

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When preforming the reinstall, did you download the latest version of MBAM for the reinstall? (With latest I mean, downloaded seconds before reinstalling, not: "I still had the installer of yesterday")


I hope this helps. If it still doesn't work, you run into any problems or have any questions, please post & ask.

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Also happened to me yesterday.  Keeps saying I have to be admin when I am already.  However, I managed to get it working by installing the latest version on top of the older version.  I didn't remove the older version first or carried out a clean install though.

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Also happened to me yesterday.  Keeps saying I have to be admin when I am already.  However, I managed to get it working by installing the latest version on top of the older version.  I didn't remove the older version first or carried out a clean install though.

That shouldn't be a problem. If it, for some reason, does, please let us know.


So I've downloaded MalwareBytes v. from the MalwareBytes website.

Then I ran the installer with MalwareBytes installed.


And yes it worked :)

Glad to know it's working.

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The automatic update also told me I needed administrator permissions, when I am an administrator. So I downloaded from the MB website and installed over the previous version. That worked - but now I am unable to delete the shortcut from my desktop: 'You'll need administrator permissions ...'


There is definitely a problem here. How do I now get rid of the shortcut?

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That's weird.  I tried it out and I could delete the shortcut and create a new one without telling me that I need admin rights.  I take it that you already tried the usual troubleshooting like turning off the UAC and etc.  

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(Win 7 X 64)


I had the exact same problem, I couldn't update via the Malwarebytes GUI to v. It kept saying I needed to log in as administrator despite running the programme as admin.


The above advise fixed it, I just installed  downloaded v. from the website and installed it over the older version.

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The automatic update also told me I needed administrator permissions, when I am an administrator. So I downloaded from the MB website and installed over the previous version. That worked - but now I am unable to delete the shortcut from my desktop: 'You'll need administrator permissions ...'


There is definitely a problem here. How do I now get rid of the shortcut?

You probably have the self-protect of MBAM enabled. To delete the short-cut, disable it in the settings, remove the short-cut and enable the self-protect feature again. (This setting can be found in the "advanced setting" in the "setting" tab.)


If this doesn't work, you run into any problems or have any questions, please post & ask.

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I did have the self-protection module enabled. I tried unticking it and deleting the shortcut but no luck. @coyi64: Ihave also tried disabling UAC, and taking ownership of the file. I see it is owned by Administrator, not by my user account (with administrative privileges), but I am unable to change it.

I think  I will go the 'clean reinstall' route - and not create a desktop shortcut this time :)

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I am having a torrid time ... I tried this procedure exactly: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=122284 but it did not remove the shortcut, and at (re)install time rebooted before I got the chance to:

  • Please make sure to uncheck the Trial checkmark near the end of the installation.
  • Please make sure you check for updates at the end of the installation as well

and on reboot it had remembered by id and key. Was I meant to do an uninstall after running the mbam-clean.exe? The procedure does not say so ... the .exe is meant to clean all components of MBAM. Maybe I should have Run as Administrator, I don't think I did ...


I also tried enabling the Administrator account. On logging in I see the shortcut on the desktop, but I STILL can't delete it, I need permission from the Administrators!


Anyway, MBAM is back - with my undeletable / unmovable shortcut.

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Hi, paulderdash:


It appears that you already have your own, separate post >>HERE<<?


I'm sure you are frustrated - I would be, too.

However, it's going to be quite confusing for everyone -- including the staff -- to try to assist you in multiple locations/threads.

Moreover, each computer is unique - the cause/solution for one person might be different for someone else.


As this was originally @kryzekt's post, it would be advisable, please, to stay in your own topic.

That way each user -- including you and the OP here -- can each receive the individualized attention needed to resolve your issue.


Thanks very much for your understanding and patience.




P.S. It is the weekend. I'm sure the staff and experts will be back to help you as soon as they can.

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Hello, just created my account to confirm these problems on my computer too.

both the admin rights problem for latest program update and desktop icon impossible to del. Without self-protect enabled :angry2:

For update, gonna try update DL and install on it. for icon, no way ???? :angry:


Tried to solve my problem with google search, that lead me here.

From france, Win7x64pro, avast free, all updates. :P


I'd like to add another problem,

using premium version of MBAM (and having used MBAM for years now, and using it frequently for my customers computers I have to clean) I hate the Websites protection fonctionnality (I know what I do on Internet, and use when required a sandbox software), and disabled it. I also disabled the notifications.

Anyway, at each windows startup, a popup displays, saying my protection is not full, "would youy like to set it right now". So, only way I found is activation of website protection, and add my firefox to trusted processes. :wacko:

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Hello Jimcaillou and welcome to Malwarebytes forum.


Please tell me what other security applications are active on your computer.

Tell me, did you Restart Windows after you finished the 2.01 update?


Download mbam-check.exe and save it to your desktop    from  http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbam_check
On Vista/Windows 7, 8, Right-click on mbam-check.exe & select Run as Administrator & allow to Run.
On XP,Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it.
It should then open a log file CheckResults.txt
You should attach the CheckResults.txt file located on your desktop so that I can review.



Download Security Check by screen317 from http://screen317.spywareinfoforum.org/SecurityCheck.exe
Save it to your Desktop.
RIGHT click SecurityCheck.exe  and select Run as Administrator, and Allow to run.  { IF on XP, simple double-click on the EXE to start it }.
and follow the on-screen instructions inside of the black box.  Tap the space bar on keyboard to proceed when prompted.
The "black window" is Windows Command prompt window.
Have patience.  It will take a few minutes.

A Notepad document should open automatically called checkup.txt; please attach the contents of that document.

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THX for so quick reply !!!!

Just came back to report after manual update :


> update : successfull via DL from site and overwrite existing version. Now

> this update fixed the bug with "protection form malicious websites" annoying popup.



no more nooying popup with websites protection disabled,

automatic program update failed, DL and overwrite = everything OK.

Not created icon on desktop with the installer (that luckily asks wether I want or not) this time, manually created it from directory.

So all is OK (except software auto update, but not really a problem as fas as manual updates are OK, considering MBAM informs there is update...).




About icon impossible to del from desktop, it's not on my computer, but on a customer computer, which is gone now, and I uninstalled MBAM from it cause I couldn't del icon (I usuelly keep MBAM on computers, for future, only delete all shortcuts). So no more test is possible.


Here it is.

So apart from auto updates, all is OK for me now, and can't tell you anymore.

Anyway, would be glad to help, if there is anything left I can do to, I'll do.

Just ask.


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For auto-updates, check the settings in the Scheduler section.

Start the program.  Click Settings icon at the top.  Click Automated Scheduling button.

Look to see if there is already a task set for Check for Updates.

If you dont have one, press the ADD button.


I am attaching a sample from my settings--- just an example.  I have set mine to check for updates at 2 hour intervals.

Make your selections / click OK to apply and exit the window.

Note: the scheduler is only a feature of the paid PRO or Premium licensed.   ( it can be in Trial mode, until that expires).



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Replying according to your demand, even if I think it's unnecessary, regarding my previuous post.

So, first of all, my "security softwares" :

  • avast free antivirus
  • windows firewall, and windows firewall notifier
  • MBAM premium
  • MBAM anti exploit (exploitshield)
  • keyscrambler (anti keylogger)
  • wifiguard (network intrusion detector)
  • USB disk secutiy (USB connected periphs protection cause my USB keys run on many infected computers)
  • windows defender (by default)

At least, i use sandboxie to run "hasardous" softwares, and sometimes to run firefox

Unchecky is also installed, and remains as a service I guess.

I sometimes use adwcleaner as a scanner, and often scan with online scanners (jotti, metascan, virscan, virus.org, virustotal) hasardous files.

I also sometimes scan hasardous URLs with scanurl.net.


All of this on win7x64 pro "official", bought from MS, full updates MS, i5 3570, 8Go ram, SSD 256


Now, here are scans reports you asked for :

  • mbam check report (CheckResults.txt)
  • security check report (checkup.txt)


Hope it'll help,












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I guess we replied at same time...

I read your answer, and guess there is a mistake,

No soucy with database auto update, and by the way, I configured mine as your, every 2 2hours, just the annoying "you have to run as adminsitrator" when i want (more exactly, when MBAM wants) to update the software itself.

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Questions for you:  Are you able to do manual Update run?


Did you tell me, do you have a separate Update task in the scheduler?


Can you look for and find, and then attach the current Protection log?

It is a .XML file with a name very similar to protection-log-2014 with the 2 digit month + year


Show all files in Windows 7:
Press and hold Windows-key+E key on keyboard to start Windows Explorer.
From the Windows Explorer menu options, Select Tools, then Folder Options.
Next click the View tab.
Locate and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).
Locate and click "Show hidden files and folders and drives. "
Click Apply > OK.


Look for the log in this folder   C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs



Point of curiosity, look to see what version you have of the Anti-Exploit and let me know.


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  • 6 months later...

Thanks, Prodigal_Sun:


Welcome. :)


There are many possible reasons for updating issues.

And, as this topic is nearly 7 months old, I suspect that the Topic Starter may no longer be monitoring it.

Moreover, the MBAM program has undergone several version updates since this topic was started. ;)


If you ever run into further problems, please feel free to start a NEW topic here at the forum.


Best regards,

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