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Complete shutdown....HELP!

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Today, I installed MW premium on 2 computers (mine and my husbands).  After scanning on my computer, it showed there were several PUPs and other programs that were not there.  After the quarantine, MW asked to restart computer in order to finish the process.  I clicked restart and now my computer is in a state of turning off and on.  I can't even get it to a prompt screen.  It just revs up the HD and then shuts down.  I HAVE to have my computer!  I need assistance PLEASE!

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry you're having issues with this.  Let me have you try the following options and we'll see if we can get you back up and running.


Please shut down the computer completely.  Then start it back up and tap the F8 key and on the menu try selecting Last Known Good Configuration and see if that allows it to start.

If not then try F8 again and try starting in Safe Mode and logon.  Then restart and see if it will go to Normal Mode now and let me know if that works for you.


If that too fails to correct it then tap the F8 key again and this time do a System Restore to the last one you have listed before the removal was made.


Here is a link that shows how to do (see option 2 near the bottom)

How to Do a System Restore in Windows 7


It's getting quite late for me so I will be heading out but give that a try and let me know the status.  Someone else may come along and offer further advice if that did not work or otherwise I'll be back sometime tomorrow to review with you again.


Thank you.

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Thank you for replying but my machine will not even get to that point.  The HD revs up like it's going to start but then immediately shuts down.  It just cycles through a start up/shut down phase.  It's almost as if the power module is going out.  My computer is not even a year old and I have had no issue until now.  I truly am at a loss.


I googled possible problems and found that there were some false positive registry entries that mw was picking up but those were 2 yrs ago.  I assumed they would have been fixed by now

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Hi mathscitch,


Until AdvancedSetup returns:


In the article AdvancedSetup mentioned a way of starting system repair from a CD is mentioned. (It's referred to as option two and is located at the bottom end of the article.) Did you try that option as well?


In order to help you better, could you tell what operating system (widows xp, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, ect.) you are/were using on your computer?

What is the manifacturer of your computer? (HP, Dell, Asus, just to name a few)

Could you describe every thing your screen shows from the moment you press the power button until the computer has turned it self of?

Do you have any important files on your computer of which you have no backups?

If you don't have a system repair CD and don't have the windows-installation cd, does your husband use the same operating system?


If you have any questions, please post and ask.




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  • Root Admin

If the computer cannot start and get into Safe Mode or Recovery Environment and still shuts down then that is not due to any files scanned or removed.  You can format the drive and remove ALL files and the computer will still boot up and allow you to go into the Recovery Environment.  That would certainly indicate probably either a hard drive issue or power issue.


Please try again and see where you can get to.  What is the MFG make and model of the computer?

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