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Question about mbam-clean

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I had a weird problem of not being able to delete the malwarebytes desktop shortcut. Told me I needed to contact an administrator or some such when I am the dude. Anyway I figured I would un-install and re-install the program (version 2). I read about mbam-clean and that it completely un-installed Malwarebytes including the settings and registration information. I used it, rebooted, re-installed Malwarebytes 2.0, choosing this time not to install the desktop shortcut. When I opened Malwarebytes again all the settings and even the registration were left intact. I thought the cleaner was supposed to get rid of all that?

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Hi, mike89:


Did you have SELF-PROTECTION (SP) enabled in your original installation prior to the removal?

That's probably why you couldn't remove the desktop shortcut icon and why your settings were preserved.


I'm not yet running 2.00 myself.

Like you, I would have assumed that mbam-clean would remove everything, even if SP were enabled.

But perhaps that is not the case -- we'll need to wait for one of the staff or experts to tell us.

Did you reboot after running it?


Having said that, if you want to start again fresh, please follow the steps here: MBAM Clean Removal Process


Please let us know if that resolves your issue,



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I also had issues with mbam-clean- when trying to remove MBAM Premium 2.0, installed over MBAM 1.75 Pro, following issues with a slow computer as detailed in topic 145568. I ran Revo Uninstaller, performed an advanced scan, and then mbam-clean running windows using msconfig to only run microsoft software, services and drivers.


mbam-clean and Revo left the MBAM files and folders in tact as well as the registration information. I managed to remove the most of the files and folders using the uninstall exe in the folder. I say most, as I'd added the pdf manual to the MBAM folder, which was also protected and couldn't be deleted. To remove that, and the MBAM folder, I had to boot to a linux distro on a USB flash drive and remove the manual and folder.


As daledoc1 references, self protection was enabled, but the requirements for clean procedure were exceeded in the process I used.


Obviously, MBAM would offer less protection if anything could delete it, but a mechanism to remove it cleanly and completely is required when issues occur.

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I had the same problem, but once I turned off self protection and re-booted I was able to delete the desktop shortcut.  I then turned self protection back on and re-booted again.


I suppose If you want to do a clean uninstall you have to turn off  self protection first.

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I did have the self protection enabled. Didn't know it also kept a shortcut from being deleted. Maybe that's going too far? I did follow the posted clean removal process, nothing in there about having to disable self protection first. I would think it would be a good idea to put it in there if it does need to be disabled. I was expecting it to delete everything Malwarebytes related as it stated it would but that wasn't the case when I used it.

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Hi, mike89:


Yes, sorry for the confusion.

2.00 was released only about a week or so ago.

I expect that the staff and forum mod team will be updating the many pinned topics, KB topics, and videos as soon as they can.


Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention (I say "our" even though I am just another home user myself and a forum volunteer ;) ).


Are you all set now with your original issue?


Thanks for your patience,



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Hi Ron, could that information be appended to the official thread on the use of mbam-clean?


Does the self protection also protect the registry entries, as the licensing information was unaffected by the uninstall routine and mbam-clean?


Should self protect prevent the uninstall exe in the MBAM folder from removing the MBAM files and folders?


Out of interest, given that self protect prevents an uninstall, I assume that to perform a clean install, one has to reinstall, disable self protect and then perform the uninstall and clean and finally install. If that is the case, what would happen if there was a problem that prevented the first install (which was being done to allow disabling self protect)?


Could the uninstaller/mbam-clean be modified to cope with unexpected files in the MBAM folder as mentioned in my previous post?

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