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Hey guys I run the site tiarawhy.com hosted on this ip (it's 18+ however).


There was a seeming infection in juicyads earlier last month but they have since fixed it on their end, however my site seems to still be blocked for some users. Can you verify if i'm still causing a problem or if there's some other site on this same ip that's causing it?



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It's nothing to do with the ad server, but your domains (both the domain you mentioned and hamoor.pw) housing the likes of BetaBot (hamoor.pw for example, was injected into other sites), indeed, the IP itself was doing this a month or so ago.


These cases have been re-checked and are now resolved, as such, the block will be removed. However, due to their nature, the IP will be continually monitored and re-blocked should further issues occur.

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