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MalwareBytes looks like it has malware in it

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Recently i had a client that had some Malware on their computer so i booted into Safe mode and downloaded MalwareBytes to fix it (naturally). However upon running it it looked like Malware Bytes itself appeared to have malware in it. It shows large 'scan now' green buttons similar to the scam download links you see on ads on websites and displays links to websites within the program, which does not look secure at all (attachment included).


At first i started to run the scan but instead of the usual reliable looking scanning screen i got the screen in the second attachment containing 'buy it now' and conspiracy news story type links. It looked very much like one of those suspicious fake virus scanner that i see clients get. I stopped the scan before it finished.


I've tried uninstalling Malwarebytes and reinstalling it from the main MalwareBytes homepage (i was originally using Ninite) but i get the same thing. I'm not sure if MalwareBytes is being infected as it gets installed or i'm somehow downloading a fake copy of the software.


The client doesn't want to reformat the computer as he can't find the license key for the OS. Is there some way of cleaning this?



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  • Root Admin

Please see the following as MBAM 2.0 has been released and is what your images are showing.

Introducing Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0!

If you're having issues with detecting or removing an infection then I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.

Thank you

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