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As a security measure, we don't allow ANY other software (other than a browser) access to the internet. This is common practice in most governmental environments. Why is it so hard for MBAM to provide updated signatures? At the very least DON'T BE A MONTH BEHIND. It's ridiculous.


You're taking a very important piece of software and rendering it useless.


Thanks for listening.

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In a Gov't. or corporation environment they would be using the Enterprise version of Malwarebytes.


In corporate/enterprise environments signatures are obtained through a central service and then disseminated out to client computers.  Often said signatures are held back to mitigate False Positive situations.  In one organization I was with which used McAfee Enterprise and ePO, signatures from Monday would be disseminated on Tuesday, with a 24 hr delay, to mitigate catastrophic False Positive occurrences.


While MBAM has the capability to do offline updates in v1.75, an official installer package has never been "timely" but there is a way to manually update MBAM signatures.  However, my understanding is that in v2.0 offline updates are not even possible.

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Offline updating for version 2.0 as in previous versions is no longer supported as that is not a secure method of updating.  There should hopefully be a rules update program available for 2.x soon though.


There you go.  A method is being worked upon for the new MBAM 2.0

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Anyone with Government/non-profit/business licensing (which is required to use our software in any of those environments) has access to a manual updating tool which allows them to roll their own offline updates for deployment.

Simply contact Business Support and they will assist you with getting the tool and configuring it for use in your environment.

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