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Malwarebytes Is Bloated


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I Reinstalled Windows 7 And I Installed The Usual: Graphics Driver,Google Chrome,WinRAR And Malwarebytes.

I Saw That It Was v.2.00. The Interface Was Modern AND Bloated Full Of Pop-Ups And Ads Leading You To Malwarebytes Blog. It Even Sounded Like A Rogue Anti-Virus. -.-  Malwarebytes is now the thing it wanted to stop. By The Way, Where Can I Install Old Version With OLD INTERFACE?

Plz,help :)



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Hello and :welcome:

Malwarebytes has recently released its new version as mentioned HERE. I does have a new interface, but it is not bloated  and full of pop-ups or even ads... (aside from Malwarebytes related ones, but that is on the dashboard and not a popup add).  Some folks have mentioned that it does look like a rogue AV, and the developers are listening and may make some more customizations to the GUI.  Some of the popups you may be getting are notification windows perhaps asking you to update and enable protection. If you are receiving blocked IP notices then that's another story....


If you still want to revert back to version 1.75 you can still do so from HERE where you can download older versions, but 1.75 will eventually no longer be supported so you will end up having to upgrade eventually.



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And if you have specific things you don't like about the new UI, please feel free to list them in this topic that I created:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=145346


Please read the first post and make sure you have very specific details to add to the thread.

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Uh, huh?


with different options that you can enable or disable, and 3 different scan types, 2 of which are available to all users and Hyper being available to Premium users, I'm not sure what you mean by this.


edited to change 'free' to 'premium' - I blame lack of sleep.

Edited by John L. Galt
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I like everything about the new MBAM, but the fact that there is only one type of scan type I don't like.

There are 3 Scan Types

The new scan names are a bit confusing to those of us used to the naming scheme in MBAM 1.75, but this should help.

Threat scan ==> quick scan

Custom scan ==> partial or Full scan - depending upon what you choose to scan.

Hyper scan ==> Flash scan (only available for registered PRO users).

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