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I thought MBAM included Chameleon, but when my new version 2.0 opened today to do a scan there were notations on the bottom of the window about this Chameleon so I followed the arrows and ended up downloading a zip file to my desktop. 


I guess I'm not positively sure if I should run it. The appearance of this took me a bit by surprise as I wonder why I didn't run into this feature when I installed the new 2.0 over my paid 1.75 a few days ago.

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Chameleon is a specialized tool that can be used to run MBAM on a severely infected machine.

Components of it also load when MBAM Self-Protection (new to version 2.00) is enabled.

So, no, you ought not to need to run it routinely.


A couple of recent posts:




Hope this helps for starters,



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If you want a non-zip version, then follow these instructions: Go to your START button, then ALL PROGRAMS. Look for the MBAM listing. Put you mouse cursor over it and a new window appears with 4 listings. The first one is called TOOLS. Double click on it and a new window will appear that contains a shortcut to Chameleon. Send a copy direct to your desktop. Now you will have quick access directly to Chameleon on your desktop without downloading a zip file. That is what I have done and it works perfectly. I hope this will help you.

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