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I have a 3+ year old Toshiba Laptop running Windows XP Professional. Even though Microsoft will stop supporting XP in April, Unfortunately I can't afford to buy a new computer with a newer operating system. I am looking for advice on the BEST choice for an antti-virus program to compliment MBAM. I currently use Norton Internet Security 2014. Is that my best choice or should I consider a better program? I want the BEST possible protection after Microsoft stops supporting XP. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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Hi again :D


Although the staff here (and a few of us non staff users) don't like to pick one over the other, here is a topic that lists some well known AV products:




As for the best product, well, part of that is subjective, in that you have to decide for yourself what is truly best, and part of that is objective, in that certain AV products perform better than others at detections and such.  A good place to start doing some research on different aspects o V products is Virus bulletin, see https://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/archive/platforms


Another good place to conduct more research is http://www.av-comparatives.org/



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Hi, rwharold: :)


As I think our forum RootAdmin, AdvancedSetup, has recently said (paraphrasing), if there were a "best" AV product, then there would only be 1 brand on the market. ;)

Also, as MBAM maintains important relationships with many of the popular AV vendors, it wouldn't necessarily be ideal for this corporate forum to appear to endorse one product over another.

100 forum users will generally offer at least 110 passionate opinions. ;)

(There are many forum threads in the Chat and PC Help sections about this.)


As John aptly suggests, the "best" product for a particular user depends on numerous factors regarding both the computer system and the user.

In addition to the excellent links he provided, wilderssecurity.com and bleepingcomputer.com typically have vigorous discussions about this topic ongoing all the time.  Lots of information upon which to base your selection.


If you ever run into any issues running a particular AV or ISS, you can always post back here and someone will be very happy to assist you.





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