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Do you have self-protection enabled? If so, do you have the option for self-protection early start disabled? If so, then that could be why. It's possible that if one of your scheduled scans launches when the computer boots up, that it starts prior to self-protection (Chameleon's driver) starting up, thus resulting in the log indicating that Chameleon is not active since it hasn't started yet.

If that is the case, then it's nothing to be alarmed about.

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Yes, if self-protection is enabled, then it will list Chameleon as being on (it is listing the status of the self-protection driver, which is part of Chameleon). Also, if you used Chameleon to run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, that also turns the self-protection driver on temporarily, so that may be the reason it showed it as being enabled in one of your scan logs.

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