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Over 150MB/s of memory?!

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How in the world did they manage to put out a new program that hogs more memory than the last one? I remember reading that they were working to lower the amount of memory it used and it seems to have doubled. I used to hear complaints about Norton and other paid AV programs hogging memory, which have more features, but they don't use 1/3 the resources this program uses. I just ended my Norton subscription to pick this up and I'm astounded. I can only assume people don't complain about Malwarebytes like they do for Norton and others is because they offer a free scanner. This definitely isn't a program you want running in the background on a laptop.

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So, you're telling me that Norton uses less than 50 MB of RAM?


With MBAM, there is definitely a tradeoff.  If you have limited RAM, MBAM is going to seem like a memory hog - because it keeps the entire database loaded into RAM for much, much faster scanning and detection.  However, without having that database loaded into memory, you don't get the much much faster scans.  If the database were to be laoded from disk everytime a scan need to be made, during such events as:


  • Loading a web page - any web page
  • Viewing an image
  • Saving a document
  • Writing an email
  • Playing a game

Then you'd have to wait for MBAM to

  1. Lock the file(s)
  2. Load the database off the hard drive
  3. Scan the file(s)
  4. Unlock the file(s)

So, the developers, starting with Marcin when he was solo, decided to make the scans that much faster by keeping the database loaded into memory.


Even if you have an SSD, memory (RAM) is going to be faster when reading that database.  And if you have the money for a really super fast SSD that can rival even RAM, then you have the monry for more than enough memory to sacrifice 150 MB to help keep your computer clean.


Staff member Advanced Setup had a nice post detailing exactly why this i snot a huge amount of RAM in the first place, and as soon as I can find it I will link to it.

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