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end of microsoft support for windows xp question

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I think I know the answer to this question, but I would like to hear it from someone more knowledgeable than me. II'm using malwarebytes premium on a Dell laptop that is running Windows XP. Will malwarebytes help prevent malware and security breaches after Microsoft stops supporting XP on April 8th?





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What David says above is absolutely accurate, however there are further measures you can take to attempt to secure the OS as best you can. In addition to patching what software you can against vulnerabilities, running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and an up-to-date, active antivirus, you can also use Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit which is currently available as a free beta. It is designed to protect against both known and unknown vulnerabilities in Windows and other software. That does not guarantee that it will be able to protect against all vulnerabilities, but it should help a lot to secure the OS.

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