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MBAM 2.0

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I just installed the new MBAM 2.0 over my  Pro 1.75. I didn't have any problems. However, under the Advanced Options, should the "Enable self-protection module" be checked?


I get a newsletter from Bob Rankin and he explained that he checked this option, but on restart he had trouble getting his desktop to come up. He explained how he got around it but I'm not sure I followed what he said so thought I would check in here. It is not selected by default.


I have Vista Home Premium.


Thank you!

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You do not need to enable the self protection. Its an option for those that want it. It basically protects Malwarebytes files and services only from being deleted or renamed by Malware or any user on a computer.

If you enable it you will not even be able to change the name of the desktop shortcut or delete the MBAM desktop shortcut.

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Wouldn't it be desireable to keep MBAM files and services from being deleted or renamed by Malware? 


Now I have another problem and I'm thinking it's got to be related to this new installation of MBAM because it started just after that. The problem is that I am no longer getting the pictures in my emails. My newsletters have only boxes where the illustrations should be. My Amazon orders are blank where the picture of the product ordered should be. I use Windows Mail (the desktop program - not Windows Live Mail).


I did the "Threat Scan" after installing this new MBAM and it found two PUPs. The action I took on those was to quarantine and then it asked for a restart. After the restart I had occasion to open my email and discovered this. I'd had my email open numerous times today and everything was fine but now, it appears that something has removed all the pictures. 


I took a screenshot of an order email of mine from Amazon which now shows no picture of the product ordered. Then I forwarded that email to myself and opened it in my ISP web mail account and there it shows the picture. Please see the two screenshots. 


But my email was working just fine before I installed this.



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After leaving here, I decided to try restarting again to see what would happen. After I did that, all my pictures were back in my emails. I don't know what happened but it seems to have straightened itself out so thanks for letting me bend your ear.

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It would be desirable to enable it if you want to keep MBAM files and services from being deleted or renamed by Malware, but sometimes this feature may cause problems for some users, this is why its not on by default. You can enable it on your computer if you like to see if it functions OK.

A simple restart of your computer can fix so many flukes.... sometimes things happen...

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