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Questions regarding 1.75 vs 2.x

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I have always been a fan of you 1.x interface.  I can't find a lot of the options I had in the old interface.  An example would be the option to term IE before removal...  is that a given it's done now or did u remove it.  Also I installed on a machine I am setting up for someone using 2.x and it appears the scan is taking longer.  It's a brand new install of windows + SP updates and MSSE installed (and disabled).  Is there a comparable "Quick Scan" option that I can run on client machines I work on (As I'm an IT).  I don't like sitting around waiting on scans to complete when I usually use a quick scan and finish up w/ autoruns/procexplorer/tdss killer etc...


PS:  As of now IMO I like the old GUI a lot better than the new version.  Just saying.  I'm a guy that likes options.

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Hi, and :welcome: , kclubb:
Thanks for your feedback.
I think you might be talking about Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM), right?
If so, then the mods will probably move this post >>HERE<<, as this is actually the forum section for MBAE (Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit) Beta.

EDIT: Post has been relocated. :)

For your specific questions: Quick scan is now Threat scan.
If you are scanning archives, those can lengthen the scan time, as can enabling the new, built-in anti-rootkit (ARK) function.

The staff and experts will have some additional info for you, I expect.


There are some links to the User Guide:
Online  http://www.malwarebytes.org/support/guides/mbam/
Download PDF  http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/asset/mbamuserguide.pdf
From your description, it sounds as if you are in the IT/computer repair business?
If so, your business license entitles you to free support >>HERE<< if you are having specific issues with the new version.






P.S. Yes, many of us old-timers prefer the old GUI. ;)

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Hello kclubb: :welcome:


I suspect you meant to post this in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Help and not Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Beta).

Still - I'll try to give you some info. Scans may take longer because Malwarebytes Anti-Malware does more.

I'm sure you don't want to disable MSE if it's the only Anti-Virus application that will be installed on that system.

What was Quick Scan in v1.75.0.1300, can be loosely translated to Threat Scan in

Many have remarked about the new look and feel. Remember - you won't be looking at the GUI for more than a few moments.

HTH :)

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