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Please reference this recent post: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144813, as well as others in the MBAR section of the forum.


I understand that the Anti-Rootkit (ARK) feature is not yet fully supported on or compatible with certain encrypted drives (BitLocker, TrueCrypt, etc).


There are likely technical limitations that are over the head of this gray-haired, auto-didact home user.

And I likewise assume that disk encryption might be more of a mainstay for enterprise/business users, rather than home users.


>>But I am curious if the ARK feature of MBAM 2.00 Consumer will be evaluated or tested for compatibility with other encryption products, such as WinMagic SecureDoc?

(Corollary: What about ARK in MEE 2.00?)


"Enquiring [sic] minds want to know" ;)





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  • Root Admin

We do not specifically code to allow access with any encryption software.  It generally relies upon how open the encryption routine is about allowing read/write request from other programs and how they interface at the kernel level.  Often encryption software is designed to close or block other processes from reading it externally or closing down after x amount of seconds or minutes if the user is not actively using the data which would cut us off as well.  Since it's not malware we can't just ignore it and delete data at the disk level. We're always looking for new ways to do things so its possible that someday we'll work with one or more of them but for now they're not supported.  

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