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MBAM update .......

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I updated MBAM on 2 machines and seriously wish I hadn't.

Sorry but that GUI is truly vile.

Problems on both systems :

I don't use the Webpage checker, I never have, and never will.

I have notifications set to disabled.

The taskbar icon tells me with an evil red eye that protection is not complete.

The dashboard shows a huge and garish warning to something I know, after all I chose that setting.

At every boot a large, nasty coloured pop-up appears , telling me again that I am in terrible danger because The Webpage module is off.

The pop-up will sit there all day unless clicked off and relentlessly returns at each boot.

We have always had scans scheduled to weekly, on update this was changed to daily. I reset this on both systems, yet the scan has run daily , whilst the setting is clearly marked weekly.

I got fed up with this pop-up appearing, right clicked the taskbar icon, and unchecked "start with windows" ...... next boot MBAM is up and running.

If the "protection module" is checked, MBAM ignores the other selection and starts at boot.

Lastly the new scan .......... there is no quick, or flash scan , the new scan takes a very long time .

Going back to V 1.75 which worked perfectly well .

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