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I installed MalWareBytes V2.0 successfully over my previous (I believe it was V1.62) version).  Then along came a bad Windows 7 update and I had to restore the system to an earlier restore point.


When I tried to reinstall V2.0 of MalWareBytes, it complained because it said that there was an earlier version which I had to uinstall.  


I tried to uninstall the earlier version. Uninstall complained that it could not process my request because it could not find uninst000.msg.


So I am now in a loop:

(1)  Cant install V2 until V1.62 is uninstalled

(2)  Cant unninstall V1.62

(3)  Cant run V1.62 (I get an error (Runtime error 383: Text property is read only)


I have no ability to run any version of MalWareBytes.


What can I do to successfully uninstall V1.62 and get my V2.0 back?

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Sorry to hear about problems upgrading/uninstalling on a Win7 system that had recently undergone a system restore.
(Yikes, version 1.62 was a pretty old version - July 2012!)
System restore can "break" metadata of security programs, such as MBAM.

And/or something may have been corrupted somewhere along the way.
Let's try the simplest method first.
Please carefully follow the steps here: MBAM Clean Removal Process.
Please post back and let us know if this resolves your issue.
If it doesn't, we'll go from there, with help from the staff and experts.
P.S. I think the mod team will probably move this post >>HERE<<. ;)

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