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Glad it worked.  And, it makes no sense that the developers are pushing this upgrade over the current 1.75 since so much has changed (IMO).  If anything, the 2.0 installer should recognize 1.75 is installed, save the relevant info like license info, then uninstall 1.75, reboot and then proceed to install 2.0.


I honestly believe that would solve a lot of the problems now cropping up in the forums with the upgrade process....


Keep monitoring it through the next couple of reboots- a couple of people have reported that it starts happening again....

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Glad it worked.  And, it makes no sense that the developers are pushing this upgrade over the current 1.75 since so much has changed (IMO).  If anything, the 2.0 installer should recognize 1.75 is installed, save the relevant info like license info, then uninstall 1.75, reboot and then proceed to install 2.0.

That's actually what it does. It saves the license info, uninstalls 1.75 and installs 2.0. It does not prompt for a reboot unless it is required to remove/replace any relevant files or data (which sometimes is the case, but most often not).
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