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Initiated scan on client - No log information on management server

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Hello everybody,

I installed MEE some time ago. Great Software. No problems. Until now.

We had some problems with a workstations browser functionality. I analyzed the problem and found that the MySearchResults.com search engine was installed.

I started a totalscan from the management console.

Totalscan was started (blue)

Totalscan finished after some time (green)

Nothing found.

We use MEE-Client in silent mode.

I installed the Client again with a new policy so I could start it on the Workstation.

I started totalscan directly on the workstation again and it found over 30 infections.

In the management console I couldn't find nothing in the logs about the Scan I started directly on the Workstation.

I have two questions:

1. How is it possible that the scan started with the management console didn't find nothing?

2. Why can't i see the scanresult of the manually started scan on the workstation. A User can start a scan and I as an Administrator can't see that the User startet a scan, nor the scan results?



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