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Client computer malware database out-of-date

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Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition -


Why would one of my 150 clients database definitions be out-of-date?  Even clicking Update Client Database Now does nothing to update the database of this client.  It appears to function if I Run Quick Scan Now or Full Scan, but my concern is that for some reason it is not communicating anymore with the Console and updating the database as it should.

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I've had a similar issue. It could be due to a few things. The short of it, is to uninstall the client from the local computer, and push it out via the Management Console again.


In my case, it was that the "Managed Client Version" was older than the "Client Version". 


The managed client version is the component that talks to the MEE server. So while the client (The user application), can be up to date, the Managed Client Version can be out of date. As of now, it looks like the current version is, you can verify that particular computer's managed client version in the console, by enabling the "Managed Client Version" column in the console client view. You can add and remove columns in the Client view by right clicking one of the columns, and click customize columns.

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