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self protection module weird effect on startup

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I have self protection and early start protection enabled on mbam 2.0 premium.

When i start windows with those enabled it causes a windows new hardware "duh dun" sound. It does not when they are disabled.

Is this something to be concerned about? I have windows 7 pro.

Any idea why it only makes that particular sound on startup with early start protection module?

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  • Root Admin

Database updates will temporarily disable as the new database is put in place but should automatically restart.  If it's not it should be showing in the Protection Logs. 

If you're having to manually restart it then there may be some type of issue going on with the system.

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Any idea why the hardware detected sound would play john?

Think theres some kind of ring -1 hypervisor running on my machine and thats a clue since it plays with self protection on but not when its off?

At least one other persin here got the realtime protection disabled after upgrade so that could be an issue not related to my pc.

Some ideas about the windows "duh dun" would be appreciated. Im not sure how chameleon would cause that. Doesnt do it when self protection is disabled.

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Are you talking about the sound that is normally played when Windows tries to load a driver for hardware and is unable to?


Go to Control Panel --> Sound --> Sounds tab --> select Device Failed to connect under Program Events: and then press the Test button - is that the sound?

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