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I am a Full lifetime user and I have Remove MalwareBytes Permanently! I have run into issues with you new v 2.0 software rearranging the permissions on my machine even for the Administrator, ME!!!!! Any software that monkeys around with the way my permissions are setup IS HISTORY IMMEDIATELY!!! especially on Windows 8.1 Pro!!!! 


I have literally spent hours over many, many days getting the permission straightened out on the disk and in the registry due to screw ups in the update process from Windows 8.0 Pro to Windows 8.1 Pro, just to get it running half decent!!!! Look through the MS forums you will see the horror stories that is W 8.1 Pro. I really PITY the POOR People that are not the least bit IT savvy. One sees them crying Legitimately, over the problems that there having, my heart really breaks for them. Now you come along with absolutely no respect for the the users machine. A "Repair" software that I swore by in W 7 SP 1 did the same thing and I had to reimage my machine.


Just in case you haven't realized it, THIS IS WHAT MALWARE DOES TO PEOPLES PC!!!


I have given you several passes over your blunders over the years over PUPs, gutting my OS causing me to have to reimage and even today you have a false positive, but this is the end!!!!


Good Bye,  :angry2:







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In all the testing that was performed in terms of MBAM 2.0 Alphas, Betas and that RC, I cannot recall a single person having the same issues as you.


Once you get everything set the way you want again, if I were you I'd make a full backup, then reinstall MBAM and verify that it was MBAM actually causing the issue - b/c if it did them again, you  could easily restore the backup and only have to worry about the individual drive permissions, then.


At the very least give the staff a chance to help analyze what is happening / happened to your system to prevent future users from running into the same issue.  After all, you'd be directly involved in making it a better product overall.

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  • Root Admin

Hello Crysta


I'm sorry you're having issues but not sure how you came to the conclusion that our program has somehow altered your permissions.  Windows 8.1 is certainly a bit troublesome as Microsoft is trying many new and different methods to try to help protect users and along the way that has caused many applications to no longer load or run the way they use to.  In many cases the software vendors have had to recode their software in order to even load with Windows 8.1 which was loading and working just fine in 8.0 so yes we're aware of issues.   However again, we do not change the permissions on files or folders.  We do use a kernel level driver to ignore permissions and remove files if needed but that is not the same as modifying the permissions.


It's certainly up to you but if you'd like to review the issue with us further please let me know.


Thank you

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On one Win7x64 system I run under an Admin account, I have v2.0 Premium configured as "Enable self-protection module."

I cannot rename or remove the MBAM Destop shortcut nor can I move/edit/move the MBAM Startup Menu item.

I wonder if that's what he's referring to?

I haven't noticed any permissions anomolies otherwise. Yet. I just did the upgrade today. I haven't tried yet to disable that module.

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